Our founder, Dawn O'Neal, is a bourbon lover who's also passionate about saving the planet. She saw a chance to combine her passions using a business as a force for good and New Dawn Distilling was born! Our pursuit of fair and eco-friendly practices is intertwined with authentic collaborations and investments in diverse communities, from the farmers who cultivate our grains to the moment you savor our beverages.


Sustainable Agriculture

Starting with the grain, we partner with folks who share our values. We love working with sustainable and regenerative agriculture producers who are making a real difference in soil and water health. And let's not forget the social side of things! We're all about promoting equitable farming practices and supporting underrepresented communities.

Renewable Energy

Our distilling process is all about being efficient and reducing waste. We're also all about renewable energy and cutting down on unnecessary materials during production and throughout our supply chain. Plus, as we craft spirits, we prioritize working with partners and collaborators from underrepresented groups, striving to make spirit production as diverse as the people and communities who enjoy our beverages.


Investing in Change

1% of proceeds are allocated to climate, sustainable agriculture, and clean water initiatives.

When we must compromise, lacking the technology or systems for our ideals, we invest in folks driving environmental and social change. When you savor New Dawn Distilling's beverages, you savor a vision of a better tomorrow. You join us in leaving our lands, waters, climate, and communities in better shape for future generations.

We will be contributing to the following organizations:
1. Intersectional Environmentalist
2. Water Hub
3. Soul Fire Farm
4. National Black Environmental Justice Network
5. NAACP Center for Environmental and Climate Justice