And Now A Word From Our Founder…

The dreams I have for this spirits brand include leaving the world better than I found it. That includes not shying away from difficult conversations or wading into topics that others may think are out of scope. 'Out of scope' so often means disconnected from your community after all. So yes, this month we’re talking about mental health and encouraging everyone to drink responsibly and if they're using alcohol to cope with difficult feelings, consider what a new relationship with alcohol might look like.

I started New Dawn on the heels of departing from a toxic workplace, holding tight to my sanity and the passions in my life – mother nature, bourbon, and a burgeoning appreciation for mezcal. When my professional coach asked what I would do if I wasn’t in my current job, opening a distillery was the only thing that emerged clearly in my mind. That eventually evolved into starting New Dawn, a spirits brand. Yet, I didn’t want to lose sight of mother nature because connecting with nature has always been what has gotten me through difficult times. Many times, that has meant a beautiful hike to a gorgeous overlook, kayaking out of the way lakes, camping by the fire, or snagging a last-minute beach house reservation so that I could sleep to the sound of waves. Rejuvenated, those moments have often included a pour of my favorite bourbon, or a pour out to the conflicted emotions I carried.

For fifteen years, I have dedicated my life to the idea of conserving, preserving, and protecting mother nature. For me, that has always meant creating more access to mother nature because I know how crucial nature can be in maintaining mental wellness, in addition to healthy and safe communities. It is also why New Dawn’s ethos is steeped in eco-friendly practices. 'With intention from grain to glass' is more than just a motto, it’s a way of living that allows me, and I hope others, to carry in parallel delicious whiskey with conserving, preserving, and protecting mother nature for the benefit of all.


Your Number One Burning Question Answered: What does New Dawn taste like?


Sneak Peek NY 6 Year Old Bourbon