It Takes a Village

Did you know that your liquor is sold and distributed using laws that have been in place since just after prohibition?

It’s a wacky system designed to make it easier to tax and regulate alcohol; avoid tied houses, where retailers and bars are required to buy their juice from a particular company;” and my favorite prevent “disorderly marketing conditions.” Known as the three tier system it just means there are two middle people between you and me. At the top there is the producer (New Dawn Distilling) who must sell to a distributor who then sells to the retailer who then sells to the customer (You!).

And while it may seem like I have taken you off on a tangent you never knew you wanted to know – it’s a long way of saying, it takes a village. Despite the photos it’s not just me bottling, packing, and driving the trucks across the country. I have a whole team of contractors, distributors, and retailers supporting me. And sometimes we don’t all have the same sense of urgency because life be lifein’. It’s something I’m getting used to, this “go with the flow” vibe. I’m a type A personality who really would do all the things to keep everyone happy. But as the type B personalities in the village have reminded me on many occasions, “The bourbon took 6 years, what’s the rush now?” [To which I always think, it’s a good thing I’m already bald.]

And so, your orders are coming, I swear! Truly, no one is more excited than me for everyone to get their bottles. I seriously can’t wait for you to both try and tell me about it. I want to know what smells you smell, what flavors you taste, and what mood, memory, or vibe you get when you take a sip.

Tag us in your unboxing videos and photos! Comment and let us know who you shared it with and everyone’s thoughts.

Please know that while I might be learning to go with the flow, I’m also working to make sure we never experience such a delay again! I’m far too impatient (and too type A) and when I said we’re constantly evaluating our supply chain for inefficiencies that extends beyond our environmental commitment. Once you get in your first glass of our bourbon, feel free to queue up your second bottle or case and know that this time it won’t take a month!

New Dawn Distilling

With intention from grain to glass | Black woman owned | Sustainably produced | Prioritize diverse and authentic partnerships | Must be 21+

The story of New Dawn’s 6-year-old New York Bourbon!


A successful first launch!