Millionaire? Billionaire? As usual we don’t follow any existing cocktail recipe exactly. So what happens when you make a Millionaire with cask strength bourbon, a Billionaire. And when you add an egg white? All we can hear in our heads is @therumble.official, “Rich people, Living in paradise, Poor people, Under the bridge at night, Most people, Know what it takes to survive, But my people, Know how to do it and thrive..” And so, this mishmash is for “My People” a wildly unexpected drink for those surviving and thriving.

My People Recipe

2 oz New Dawn bourbon

3/4 oz Grand Marnier

1/4 oz absinthe*

1/2 oz grenadine**

1/2 oz lemon juice

nutmeg to garnish

Grenadine Foam: 1 egg white, 1/4 oz agave nectar, 2 tblsp water, splash grenadine.

Combine ingredients except foam and nutmeg in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake until cold and strain into martini glass. For foam: combine foam ingredients in a bowl and whisk until forth. Spoon over drink and garnish with nutmeg.

*St. Georges Absinthe
**Make sure your grenadine is made with actual pomegranate juice and not just sugar and red #40

New Dawn Distilling

With intention from grain to glass | Black woman owned | Sustainably produced | Prioritize diverse and authentic partnerships | Must be 21+

French 95


Alpine Brew